Exterior Spaces
Variety of watercolor paintings of exterior scenes
Paint Chips - Watson's Hardware
"PAINT CHIPS - WATSON’S HARDWARE" - 12”x16” For 106 years the Cape Charles building served as a hardware and general store. One day prior to Watson’s being shuddered, I visited the store. In the back were hundreds of paint swatches, and I grabbed one of each color. The funnest part of the project was my daughter helping me cut the paper pixels. SOLD
Star Gazers- “Lights, Cameras, and Actions were all aglow at the outdoor music festival. I sensed great energy by the bands and wonderment on the beach. For one of the performances, the lighting reminded me of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” The captivated audience was waiting for the aliens to pop out of their spaceship to strum guitars and bang on the drum set., 22” x 30” - Enquire
Aged To Perfection: Nassawdox Patina
End of the Line - 18”x24”. An antique caboose (NKP 700 Series) on the Eastern Shore collecting rust on rails that no longer connect to a destination. I see mystery and beauty in what is and the thought of what was. Enquire
Strawberry Street Night Dancers
Strawberry Street Night Dancers - 18”x18” - Friday Nights at the Lemontree Gallery there is always some type of celebration. One festive night, the vibe, joy and jubilation took over Strawberry Street. Enquire
“A Little Room” 16”x17”, a classic hotel along US Route 66
Where Decay Meets Rejuvenation - 22”x29” My original title was ‘The Inner Struggles of Van Gogh’. Despite Vincent’s turmoil, he painted his world magically. I often wondered what his paintings would look like if he painted his true feelings. My field of sunflowers represents Van Gogh’s challenges and doubts that we all have experienced to some degree
“The title changed after a critique when a fellow artist informed me of the sunflower’s life cycle. When sunflowers start to brown and decompose, the plants will release their seeds. At the moment of decay, the circle of life makes a turn for rebirth. This botanical fact altered my perspective of the painting from angst and fear to resurrection and hope. The critique was a special gift. Available.
Facing Your Fear
Facing Your Fear - 13” x 17” - Available. This watercolor is one my favorites. Obstacles in life are often unavoidable. We must face our fears head-on. One may also have a perspective of bravery and success by viewing the storm from a rearview mirror, knowing that one made it through alive. Enquire
“Rolling Lift Bascule Girder” - A detailed industrial view of part of the Great Bridge bridge. SOLD. Prints Availiable
Retired Field General
Retired Field General - 9”x11” -This 1936 Farmall tractor has a prime parking spot in front of the Cape Charles Museum. The shiny red machine and the steel-cleated wheels would fit perfectly in a Transformer movie. The General would be on the “good guys” side. Enquire
Colored Admission - “The painting indicts our nation’s shameful history of white supremacy through a stark and inventive composition that, through its unconventional beauty, challenges us to do better.” Dr. Vittori Colaizzi, ODU Associate Professor in Art History, 18” x 28” - Enquire
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